Nachmieter gesucht

1 room in 9 people flat

Nachmieter gesucht ab 01.06.2025
Adresse Cäsar-Ritz-Strasse 1-7, 8046 Zürich
Miete 533 CHF / Monat
Von Lena Luiz
Telefon 0796569247
E-Mail Adresse
Besichtigungstermin none
Erreichbar email
Sonstiges Very nice, modern and calm room in a international, open-minded and kind flat (with morning sun). Bathroom is shared with 2 others. We value our peace, cleanliness and tolerance as much as open communication, respect and participation in the WG life (not mandatory, but we actually enjoy co-living lots). We are students from all fields (sinology, agrochemistry, psychology, engineering, CS...) and 6 different countries, and are looking for someone who shares our vibes and the enjoyment of a calm evening as much as a spontaneous cooking dinner together. We care with whom we live so please write a application from which we can get to learn a bit more about you, and ideally attach some pictures of you/things you like and enjoy. Extra points for either secret tip around Zurich/navigating uni-life. Looking forward to hearing from you!