Family vibe 9er-WG

Nachmieter gesucht ab 01.04.2025
Adresse Cäsar-Ritz-Strasse 1-7, 8046 Zürich
Miete 533 CHF / Monat
Von Xiangyu Liao
E-Mail Adressecritz710@gmail.com
Alterslimite Höchstens 28 Jahre. Mietvertrag wird maximal bis zum Erreichen des 28. Altersjahres (Geburtstag) ausgestellt.
Bedingungen 1. Immatrikuliert an UZH, ETH oder mietberechtigter Fachhochschule in Zürich.
Besichtigungstermin zoom or in Person
Erreichbar with email
Sonstiges We are a 9 person flat, we are almost all master/doctor students and between 22 and 27 years old. We like to hang out together in the evenings and chat while making dinner, sometimes cooking all together. We are quiet people, you won't hear much noise after 10 pm (this is the opposite of a party flat), when most people go to their rooms. We are very respectful of each other's sleep, of the space by keeping it clean, and of each others thoughts and feelings by keeping an open communication between roommates. We will do things together on weekends sometimes when people are available, but it is all very spontaneous. We screen through emails, so if you really want the flat, please write us a lengthy text about yourself, and answer the following questions: - what do you like to do when you wanna relax? - what is important to you when living in a shared flat? - What is your favorite joke?